Saturday, October 26, 2013


How to make simple bento lunches:

It's imperative to have the right tools. You can start simply by buying a few of the staples.
-Mini cookie cutters in the following shapes: star, heart, flower, circle.

-Colorful silicone baking cups. These are getting more popular so you can find them in most stores, but I know Michael's and JoAnn's both carry lots of them!

-Tin filled with multiple shaped circle cutters, most chef supply stores carry these tins as chefs use them often in food design.

-Bento box. You do not have to have a "traditional" one (but it sure is fun to find a fun and creative one that the kiddos love). has EVERYTHING you need! The most important thing when buying a box is that it fits in to your lunch bag/ tote/ box! You can even use a chinese food container or simple tupperware to start.

-Choose foods you know your child (ren) will eat. Yes, this can be tricky if you have a picky eater or multiple children but you'd be surprised how creative you can be with simple foods. This is the case for me as the 3 kids tends to like and eat different things. It's all about planning ahead. You don't need to be a food stylist your first time trying! Start simply and build from there. Think color! Also color = nutrients. The more color (natural of course, NOT FOOD DYE) the more nutritious. In my opinion if you spend time on a creative lunch and your child won't eat it- what's the point?!

Here is a photo of the mentioned supplies. I included the bento picks too...Obviously you do not NEED these to make bento lunches but they sure are cute!!


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