Thursday, December 5, 2013

It's been WAY TOO LONG!

Seems like life has gotten the best of me and I've neglected to post! Check below for some of my latest- and of course greatest- bento boxes :).

The BEST news is my website is almost complete and my new business little birdie parties will be OFFICIALLY up and running within the month. WOOT WOOT!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Brown Bear

PBJ sandwich with both white and wheat bread. Boiled Eggwhite, Crust, Granny Smith Apple and Fruit Leather for the cute face. Steamed Broccoli, Roast Turkey, Honey-Wheat Pretzels, Newmans Chocolate Cream Cookie, Leaf Shaped Apples.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


How to make simple bento lunches:

It's imperative to have the right tools. You can start simply by buying a few of the staples.
-Mini cookie cutters in the following shapes: star, heart, flower, circle.

-Colorful silicone baking cups. These are getting more popular so you can find them in most stores, but I know Michael's and JoAnn's both carry lots of them!

-Tin filled with multiple shaped circle cutters, most chef supply stores carry these tins as chefs use them often in food design.

-Bento box. You do not have to have a "traditional" one (but it sure is fun to find a fun and creative one that the kiddos love). has EVERYTHING you need! The most important thing when buying a box is that it fits in to your lunch bag/ tote/ box! You can even use a chinese food container or simple tupperware to start.

-Choose foods you know your child (ren) will eat. Yes, this can be tricky if you have a picky eater or multiple children but you'd be surprised how creative you can be with simple foods. This is the case for me as the 3 kids tends to like and eat different things. It's all about planning ahead. You don't need to be a food stylist your first time trying! Start simply and build from there. Think color! Also color = nutrients. The more color (natural of course, NOT FOOD DYE) the more nutritious. In my opinion if you spend time on a creative lunch and your child won't eat it- what's the point?!

Here is a photo of the mentioned supplies. I included the bento picks too...Obviously you do not NEED these to make bento lunches but they sure are cute!!


Friday, October 25, 2013

Power Rangers 2- TROY

Power Rangers- TROY
Troy mask- PBJ on Whole Wheat, decor- Fruit Leather, American Cheese, Apple, Star Sprinkles with Shaped Semolina Pasta, Clementine, Star Strawberries, Boiled Egg Whites, Lightening Bolt Cheese Sticks, Star shaped Fig Newtons.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Grilled Cheese on Whole Wheat Bread with Chicken-Apple Sausage, Cut Red Grapes, Circle Shaped Strawberries, Mini Marshmallows and NY shaped Roast Turkey!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Power Rangers!

Power Rangers!
My Tommy is in LOVE with the Power Rangers so I'm sure this will be the first of many to come. PBJ on Whole Wheat with Fruit Leather & red sprinkles mask design, Star shaped red and green Apples (with a squeeze of lemon to prevent browning), Chicken/ Apple Sausage (from Applegate- they are DELICIOUS), Bowtie Pasta, Hard Boiled Egg Whites, Newman's Chocolate Cream Cookie

Toddler Bento 2

Toddler Bento 2
Colorful Silicone cups filled with Whole Grain Mini Waffles, Broccoli, Strawberries, Grapes and Carrot Cakes with Cream Cheese Frosting and Sprinkles! Add animal/ fruit picks for some fun and color!